Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Day #7 NaBloPoMo

Woe is me.............I called to see if my car part came in and Jimmy said Bobby had gone to pick it up and to bring the car in around 9:30..........I did and sat and read while Jimmy worked on the car.....after a while he came in and said it was the wrong part...not only that but the 'right' part would cost considerably more.  Since I didn't have the additional money he had to put the car back together and I didn't get out of there until 11:30.....Jimmy is honest and reasonable so I don't worry about that but it was a waste of a morning for both of us.  I'll take it in next week when I am more 'flush'.
I came home and did dishes and cleaned up the kitchen and had some lunch.  I worked on a Christmas present on breaks but I was a bit sluggish.  If I go out in the morning and come home I seem to lose my energy...why I don't know but later I did do some de-cluttering and I am done for now with the living room and moving into the dining room.
Here' s a few pictures..................
 This got all cleared off and cleaned and rearranged....
 I have yet to go through this coat hanger with a zillion baskets on it...................
My favorite lamp that Miss Peeps knocked over a while ago and it needs a new least she didn't break the lamp..........
I thought I would be able to stay home tomorrow but I just noticed Nitty needs dogfood.....oh well.....
I hope you got everything done you wanted to today!
Happy Trails!!!


  1. Well boo. So sorry to hear about the car and a wasted morning. A bit if decluttering is a good cure for nonproductive morning. Your baskets look like they would be fabulous to decorate for different seasons and holidays.

    1. That is my problem....I see the potential in 'baskets' and many other items but then I don't do anything with them! I have a 're-purposing' board on Pinterest that I need to review and if an item has no use it is going, going, gone! Having been raised by people who went through the Great Depression i have a hard time getting rid of things in case I might need them later....well, it's later and if I haven't needed it so far it is going! LOL!

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your car. I’m glad you at least had a book and got some reading done. So time not totally wasted, right? You’ve been busy with all of your decluttering. I am like you. If I have errands to run I usually get up and out of the house and get them done early, but then I lose all of my energy by the time I get home. Tomorrow morning Chloe has to be at the vet at 9. Hopefully I’ll get something done when we get home. Blessings, Betsy

    1. I need to get dome dog food today but I'll wait until later this afternoon...after I get some work done! LOL!

  3. Too bad about the car, hope you get it fixed soon before it gets cold. You are making progress with your projects:)

    1. I'll get it done before it gets cold. It's just been a pricey month with termite inspection and plumber....I have to stretch them out! LOL! We're having our first freeze Saturday night....down to 23 so it's getting there!


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