Okay...it's my favorite time of year and my favorite holiday! Here's a little Halloween "flavor" from Arkansas........OH.....by the way look at the plant on the table. It is one of my Christmas cactuses and it is in FULL BLOOM! I think it felt pressured since it was on the table with my Halloween decorations...plants can be VERY competitive you know.
Did you notice my "elegant" window treatment? Tension rods with pillowcases held on with clip clothespins! HA! HA! Farmgirls are inventive for sure! I have 13 windows on that porch and it will be awhile before I get ALL that material for curtains so that's my solution for privacy in the meantime. The rest of the windows have ALL different "curtains" from pillowcases to tableclothes to dresser scarves! It is a VERY interesting room!