I came home and picked up the yard of sticks that had blown down in the storm and collected my first bucket of kindling for the coming Winter.
Plus, I couldn't resist gathering some acorns before mowing the lawn..........
I think God knew the girls and I needed this day of nature to sooth us, blow fresh air into the house and exercise to clear the mind and renew the limbs. In the South you get cabin fever in the Summer not the Winter! LOL! Oh, and did I mention football was on today? Perfect college football weather....tomorrow the NFL starts....oh yeah!
P.S. I did NOT get the lawn mowed however....it started right up after not having been used all Summer but I realized quickly that I had an extremely flat tire and some low ones too! I called my Deere expert and he said he'd stop by tomorrow but I should have been moving the mower and rotating those tires.....now he tells me! Anyway, hopefully I'll only need one at about $100.00 a tire. My car tires cost that much and they're LOTS bigger! I guess my next mower won't be a Deere at those prices! I hope you had a great Fall day wherever you are. Please stop by tomorrow to see my YOP update.....my bath mat is done! Can you believe it? It doesn't look too bad either. TTYS!