I promised you that I would share some websites/blogs from the book Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey. I thought first I would feature Tara since she has her own blog but evidently she doesn't anymore so scratch that one. I will intersperse these links with pics of my flowers which have "returned" since the rain and the cooler temps. I tried getting pictures of the blogs but there are copyrights on them and also they would not let me...I tried! I guess these are "professional" bloggers! LOL!
First up then is Dear Daisy Cottage which is Kim McCole and she DOES have the cutest yellow cottage and lives in Florida. Unfortunately, her last entry was May 2011 but she has 3 years of archives that are worth going through. She is a great vintage decorator among other things.
BTW....does anyone know what this flower is below? It started coming up in my yard and I love it but I have no idea what it is.
Okay.....next blogger is Lisa Tutman Oglesby and she has a crafting blog with tutorials on just about everything. Her current post is about props for your photos and what a great post it is! I need so much help with my photos. Once you see her banner though you will see that she "does it all". I can't wait to go back and read her archives!
Below are my garlic chives in bloom....whew! I thought I might have lost them this summer as I forgot to water them. I love TOUGH plants....the kind that flourish despite my neglect! LOL!
This next blogger is not for me but so many of you love anything French that I am including her. It is said to be "a beautiful and inspiring blog about American Corey Amaro's life in France". I don't know why all that French stuff doesn't do anything for me but it just doesn't.....I don't care for furs, diamonds or chocolate either. I think I must be missing a gene. Okay, I like some chocolate but I'm not over the moon about it like they portray most women. I don't even care for candy much at all.....now cookies....that's a whole other story and don't even get me started on ice cream! LOL!
Anyway, her blog is www.willows95988.typepad.com
Below is my brown-eyed Susan vine which just about didn't make it. I have it in a pot and I think the poor little roots got fried this Summer but here she comes....another survivor! Love her!
This last blog is color heaven and is a quilting and fabric blog by Malka Dubrawsky. It says she's a business woman so evidently she makes her living at this and she has a gorgeous book published that will be going on my book list for sure! Check her out at A Stitch In Dye
Below is Monkey Grass in bloom!
What else did I get done today? Not much...the girls and I took our 3 mile hike, cleaned up the house, made bread dough for bread later tonight and now I'm getting ready to clean the bathrooms. I guess I don't really get wound up until about noon! Ha! Ha! I am really more like a slug but I keep plugging away at it all. I hope you enjoy some of these blogs and bloggers if not all of them! Have a great evening and thank you always for your comments....I cherish them!