The second new thing I learned is this............this was on You Tube somewhere on a quilting video....thank you again to whoever shared this.......
It may not look like much but this is how you center and sandwich a quilt on a table. You find the center of the table and using painter's tape you tape some skewers (cheap at the grocery store... used for kabobs) to those cross hairs. Then when you're trying to find the center of your quilt and laying down your materials you just have to feel where the skewers are underneath all the layers. "Brilliant, I say....brilliant!" If you're not a quilter this may not make any sense to you or mean anything to you but, if you've walked around a table with your materials on it a zillion times trying to ensure it is all even, this is a million dollar tip!
Since I was so busy this week....who isn't it seems at this time of year?....I didn't get my bread made. So, I saw this 5 Ingredient Beer Bread recipe and decided to try is very good I think and great if you need bread and are in a hurry or have guests coming.
I had it in the morning toasted also and it was delicious.
Here's the recipe from Half Baked Harvest if you're interested. You do need beer for the recipe.
I'm finding heart shapes everywhere I look these days. I take them as a sign of love and affirmation that I am following the right path.
The one above was from yesterday's walk the one below from today's.
I walk up a "mighty big" hill that really gets the heart rate pumping and the dogs even need to stop and rest. I'm not sure if it's the humidity or the altitude. LOL! I'm pretty sure it's good for all of us though and you can't beat the scenery.
The lake is at the bottom of the fact the lake is actually a huge valley they dammed up and made into a lake.
Below looks sort of like a honeysuckle but I have never seen pink so maybe not......
Have a great day and Happy Trails!