There are many miracles that happen around here every day and one of the ones today was that I not only found the camera but I found the cord to upload the pictures too!
Unbeleivable! Even if I find one I usually never find the other but today it all came together and so I took pictures, uploaded them, wrote and published pictures to my blog and then BOOM!!!!! Internet Explorer went I go again....
The pictures that follow are of my current project here on the "homestead" (just a ranch house in a neighborhood) but I like the name "homestead" better. Anyway, last year I repaired garage door frame, painted it and the garage door and the front porch railing and part of the steps in back. This Spring I painted the front door, and window boxes and a bench and then it got HOT here and I had to stop. Now it is cooler and I am back to painting again. I am painting the front door trim and the back steps but it is a slow boat to China as I am using oil based paint and having to paint about 3 coats over previously white painted trim. I am on the second coat now but it is truly a beautiful excuse to be outside in this, my favorite season of the year!