Yesterday was errands so I went to the vet to pick up the girls Vetprofin. While there I asked to speak to Dr. Mills and I asked her if there was anything I needed to look out for when it comes to the girls. I don't want them suffering at all but animals can be so stoic that you don't know until it's really bad. I wanted a 'heads up' as they are both 14 1/2 years old now. I told her I monitor their drinking, eating and the peeing and pooping too! She said they sound fine but that the biggest thing is they will just stop eating and then you know. I was glad I talked to her.
Then I went on to Walmart. I got some more seeds, a black oil paint marker for my plant markers and another corned beef! I had only cooked half the vegetables so I thought.....I'll just fix it again. The vegetables taste so wonderful when cooked with the corned beef or at least in it's juice. There's nothing like it so I'll be making that tomorrow.
I worked on my Fall Friday but you can see that and my Stars and Stripes Saturday cross stitch tomorrow on the YOP post.
Mostly today I mulched and cleaned a bit of the sons moved these rocks over here and I can't move them so I guess I will make a little rock plants just mulch and maybe a statue or yard decoration. I have more mulch to 'deliver' but I'm making it deep to crowd out the weeds. This mulch is Scott's Best and it is not supposed to bleach out in the sun! Wouldn't that be great? I'll keep an eye on it! I got it at Lowes so unless Walmart carries it I will have to go to Mountain Home to get it.
In the garage I filled 3 little boxes full of car 'stuff' I will never, oil, engine lubricant etc. all my step-father's things. I'll take them to B&J's Monday and see if they want any of it and if not if I could pay them to dispose of it as they have that license or pickup service. I hope I can get rid of it.
In the morning, in order to fuel myself, I made a frittata. I have been wanting to make one ever since I got my cast iron skillet....actually it was one of the reasons I wanted a cast iron skillet. For the frittata you have to have a pan that can go from the burner to the oven.

I found a neat's pinned on my Breakfast board on Pinterest. You follow the basics and then can add other items depending on what type you want. I basically wanted a 'leftover' frittata so I added red onion, some fresh organic spinach I wilted with the onion, some leftover already fried bacon broken up into small pieces and some feta cheese. It was fantastic and I have enough for 3 more breakfasts!
It was a good day! Now, for a chicken salad sandwich and some slice and bake cookies and I'm off to Podcast Land for the evening along with some hexies!
Happy Trails!!!
Then I went on to Walmart. I got some more seeds, a black oil paint marker for my plant markers and another corned beef! I had only cooked half the vegetables so I thought.....I'll just fix it again. The vegetables taste so wonderful when cooked with the corned beef or at least in it's juice. There's nothing like it so I'll be making that tomorrow.
I worked on my Fall Friday but you can see that and my Stars and Stripes Saturday cross stitch tomorrow on the YOP post.
Mostly today I mulched and cleaned a bit of the sons moved these rocks over here and I can't move them so I guess I will make a little rock plants just mulch and maybe a statue or yard decoration. I have more mulch to 'deliver' but I'm making it deep to crowd out the weeds. This mulch is Scott's Best and it is not supposed to bleach out in the sun! Wouldn't that be great? I'll keep an eye on it! I got it at Lowes so unless Walmart carries it I will have to go to Mountain Home to get it.
In the garage I filled 3 little boxes full of car 'stuff' I will never, oil, engine lubricant etc. all my step-father's things. I'll take them to B&J's Monday and see if they want any of it and if not if I could pay them to dispose of it as they have that license or pickup service. I hope I can get rid of it.
In the morning, in order to fuel myself, I made a frittata. I have been wanting to make one ever since I got my cast iron skillet....actually it was one of the reasons I wanted a cast iron skillet. For the frittata you have to have a pan that can go from the burner to the oven.
I found a neat's pinned on my Breakfast board on Pinterest. You follow the basics and then can add other items depending on what type you want. I basically wanted a 'leftover' frittata so I added red onion, some fresh organic spinach I wilted with the onion, some leftover already fried bacon broken up into small pieces and some feta cheese. It was fantastic and I have enough for 3 more breakfasts!
It was a good day! Now, for a chicken salad sandwich and some slice and bake cookies and I'm off to Podcast Land for the evening along with some hexies!
Happy Trails!!!