Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Best Spinach Quiche....EVAH!

 I have made spinach quiche for years but I have been experimenting with recipes and like Emeril, I try to "kick it up a notch".  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a creative cook but I do look for recipes that have "kicked it up a notch" and I definitely found one and I am not looking back!
Here is the recipe   This makes 2 pies and since I use the Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts that come 2 to a package it worked out just right.  I'm not sure the "healthy" part of spinach quiche has been preserved in this recipe but DANG it is good!  There's cheese and eggs, and cottage cheese and butter and the green chillies are not hot chillies but add another "layer of flavor" that just takes it over the top!  So good and it heats up in the oven really well too for leftovers.  The microwave would make your crust soggy.  It was so nice to have a success after that crock pot disaster last week! LOL!
 While I was at the store they had some marked down produce that I could not pass up..........
I'll probably fix the artichokes tonight......dipping the leaves in melted butter....oh, I am SO bad!

These turnips will keep awhile........

and these oranges will go nicely with the quiche........
What great bargains huh?  That doesn't happen very often in the "real" food department.

 This bird was out in my back yard the other night and I think it is a hawk of some kind but not sure what kind.  Can anyone identify it for me?

It's raining here today and I have bills to pay and finances to work on but it would be harder to stay in and do that if it was nice out.  Plus, I will reward myself afterwards by spending "my allowance".  I know there is definitely some new sock yarn looming in my future!
Happy Trails!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

YOP Week #41

 I missed last week but I had nothing much to show and what I had was a surprise for some so I couldn't show it anyway, lol!  But I am back with a vengeance this week!
A finish finally and you can probably guess what it is............
I haven't washed or blocked it yet and  I need to order the backing fabric which be a dark brown minky dot fabric.  The little guy this is going to is big on texture so I think he will like both sides.
Here are my 2015 Limited Edition Easter Eggs...........
The grands each got one and I still need to make one for my son and myself but we are older and more patient....I think.  I'm not sure by which end I should hang them.  The wider bottom actually looks better with the loop on it but then in actuality that is upside down.  Oh well, the kids won't notice nor will they care! LOL!
I need to keep a supply of this yarn in all different variations...I love it and you never get bored like you do when you're working on a solid.  The Noro is constantly changing before your very eyes!  It's magic!
I'm still not caught up with the preemie hats but I am almost done with March so it won't be long but I am needing some variety as I don't want to get tired of making the hats so.....
inbetween I will be dragging out this old project.  Do you remember it?  Stay tuned next week and maybe you will be able to tell........
Now that I've finished the blanket (knitting for someone else), I get to do something for me now...a WIP for sure.  I know you'll remember this project...please don't gasp at the fact I am still not finished!  At least it is the 2nd sock!  It shouldn't take me long now and I discovered a dropped stitch and fixed it myself!  First time!  Remember how I would tear it all out and start over? 
Unfortunately I noticed another dropped stitch but this one I am not sure how to fix and I am hoping against hope that one of you expert knitters will be able to help me.  
See where the orange marker is?  I just found the dropped stitch and I'm quite a bit down the road now.  I know how to pick it up with a crochet hook but how do I knit it back in at this point?  If I have to tear it out just tell me....I'm used to it but I don't want to if I don't have to.  Has this ever happened to you?  How did I not notice?  I would certainly appreciate any help you could give me on this "dilemma".

Yesterday I mowed the yard for the first time, cleaned out the garage (there's more to do), filled 2 garbage cans with brush and weeds and was still able to get out of bed this morning!  I was thrilled!
Today I'm going to try and get some paint on the shed as more rain is coming and of course, eventually it will get REALLY hot here but Spring is perfect temps so far so I need "to make hay while the sun shines".  I hope the sun is shining where you are.
Happy Trails!