Thursday, February 28, 2019

Moving right along!?!

It doesn't seem like I get much done in a day and something always suffers........but I feel good about what little I did so I won't complain.  My son got back from his trip to California and he got me some real sea glass from the sea!  Us land locked folks don't see much sea glass around here! LOL!
I spent a lot of time perusing seed websites today and I am trying to finalize my orders.  If I don't hurry I'll have to wait for next year to start them. I have a Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog but their seeds are a little pricey although they have free shipping.  There's a more reasonable site called MIGardener and they are only .99 a pack and are also heirloom but charge shipping.....I'll probably end up ordering a little from both but the furnace bill really took my 'gardening' money.
I also cleaned another cupboard today............I forgot to take a picture before I emptied it but trust me it was stuffed full!  Here's all of it that I took out of it................

Half of it was expired so that made it's the after................I put my dried fruits in jars and labeled with my new medium point white paint marker...........

I also started filling and labeling the 1/2 gallon mason jars but my cupboard shelves are too short and not adjustable so they will probably go on my book shelf under the window which is another mess item I need to clean............
Next time I go to Wally World I will be getting the small mouth jar lids and I will be going to the Dollar Tree and getting those baskets with handles for items that come in envelopes like onion soup mix or salad dressing mixes etc.  Right now I'm using a cardboard box with no handle.  I have a long way to go putting things in jars but I really like it and it is so much easier to organize and spot things.
On breaks I worked on my 5th tissue box cover!  That should do it for me but I may be making more later on.  For now, I want to move on to something else.
I hope you had a great day.  It was in the 30's here and cloudy today but tomorrow is supposed to be nice so errands and outside work for me!
Happy Trails!!!


  1. I love Seaglass. I usually don’t have much luck finding it on the actual beach, but all of the shops along the coast have it for sale. I am impressed by your cleaning efforts. I really like how you have your pasta organized. I have mine in Rubbermaid bins, but I think I might like the glass jars even better. I may be changing what I use. The paint marker is a great idea for labeling. As of today we broke an over 100 year old record for snowfall in the month of February. We have had over 11 1/2 inches just since Monday. We also have not been above freezing since February 3! I sure hope March is bringing us some warmer weather. It won’t be for a while though since our lows are to be around 0°F over the weekend. I’m so ready for spring. I have an errand day coming up tomorrow too since I haven’t left the house for two days because of snow. Stay safe my friend. Blessings, Betsy

    1. I've been watching your weather! It's been treacherous! You and Dennis stay safe and warm. I also heard your governor is running for president....who isn't these days? LOL! The robins are here so it is coming! In like a lion out like a lamb?
      Take care!

  2. You are making progress on your projects! Hope Nitty is staying home! :)

    1. She is only allowed out in the yard if I am out there otherwise I have her on a long clothesline cord tied to a bench in the garage so when I open the garage door early dawn or at night she can go out and I don't have to worry. Not sure if it's senility or what but she seems pretty healthy. I know each day when I get up it ocul dchange in aheart beat...mine too. Aging is certainly and adventure!

  3. Looks like you're making great progress.
    I'm sure it feels so good to be getting spring cleaning and organizing done, and it looks great!

    We bought a bunch of boxes yesterday, so we can continue to downsize and decide what to keep, what to donate or what to sell.
    I feel like the tortoise... and slow and steady is going to be the key for us getting through all this stuff ~LOL!


    1. You and me both! This is taking forever but it will get done...persistence is the key!

  4. Your card is gorgeous.such a sweet image, I love the soft colours and beautiful detailing.


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