Friday, June 2, 2017

Fun Friday!!!

Okay, well some of you might not think my plans are fun but I am blessed to be able to find enjoyment in the simplest of pleasures.............
I'm planning on a movie tonight, Penelope, as was mentioned in Maker's Haven podcast awhile back and it is FREE on You Tube!  There will be popcorn and I even bought myself some 7-Up.  When I was little my Aunt Alice would have my cousins and I over for popcorn and 7-Up and t.v. on Sunday might have been Ed Sullivan for all I know.  Back then there wasn't much on for kids.
But we had fun, I know that!  So, I have decided to bring back those fun times although this time I won't jump on the furniture like I did back then! LOL!  (My Aunt Alice didn't have I know why!).
 As for today, I was trying to focus on the July birthday presents (I've only had a year to get this done and here it is a month away!)  I did work on them some and will tonight but I had a load of laundry to wash and hang out as rain is fore casted for the weekend.  I also had no bread so needed to make that....speaking of..... it is ready to go in the oven...excuse me for a minute............there...375 for 26 minutes.........this is it before baking..............
and after it should look like this (from the cookbook, Apples for Jam)............this is my second time making this bread recipe and it is excellent bread for just about anything..........
Except, I am reading a book on Real Food (nothing refined or processed) and she has a website/blog 100 Day Real Food Challenge  with lots of the stuff from the book I'm sure.  Anyway, I am  using up all my refined and processed food and slowly converting to all Real Food so there will be no more white bread after I get through with my white flour! LOL!  I'm just getting to her recipes in the book I have ,so stay tuned for future developments!  I hope you have a nice, relaxing and fun Friday night!
Happy Trails!


  1. It sounds as though you have a fun night planned with your movie and popcorn. I love bread, especially white bread. I don't eat much of it anymore since I've been on my weight loss journey. Once in a while I have to give in though. Have a wonderful evening and a great weekend. I hope you don't have any bad storms again and your roof doesn't leak.
    Blessings, Betsy


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