Monday, April 30, 2012

Being healthy makes me happy.............

Well, I try to be healthy anyway...doing my part, the rest is out of my hands.  I started walking again, 3 miles a day except maybe for weekends or when it rains.  The girls get so excited and it's good for all of us.  When I got back I took my blood pressure and it was 114/72 pulse 79.   I come from a long line of people with high bp and other problems so it was nice to see that at my age I don't have to take any medicine for it....yet anyway.  When I lived in Iowa I used to see stones that looked like hearts and I would pick them up.  I have a jar of them.  I took it as a sign that my walking was a good thing for my heart.  Kerin, over at Always Fixin Never Sittin (check her out...she's renovating an old homestead...barn and all) mentioned to me yesterday that maybe we should form a blog group for walking and then post our miles in order to encourage us walkers to keep at it.  I thought that was a great idea and Kerin I will post and keep totals if you want.  This is not a race or a competition only a way of encouraging those of us who need it and I certainly do.  It's always nice to know you're not the only one out there pushing the envelope.  So, everyday I will post my miles and bp.  I don't walk on Sundays or in inclement weather but I'll be honest about it.  Just send me an email if you want me to include you and post your progress.  Otherwise, it will just be my own.  If you have any other ideas to make this more fun and encouraging please let me know.  Recipes that are healthy would be great too.  I've been eating salmon on my George Foreman all week, wild caught and I don't care for it but I love vegetables so I eat lots of those to cover the taste! LOL!  Can you tell I'm from the Midwest.  We never had fish growing up much except Bluegills and panfried with crackers and egg batter....I love those!  I love good food and I want to eat healthy but I don't want to compromise!  I'm not asking for much!  I want to enjoy life too. So, if any of you have any healthy, tasty recipes please share!  Have a great Monday and may you all be blessed with good health!


  1. Very nice with the walking and your stones, just love them.


  2. Very good idea! I love your heart stones!

  3. Great post!

    Gee.. now we really have to get out and get our walking done ..LOL!

    We'll do it!!

    Love the heart stones too.

    Funny.. I used to see if I could find any black stones to collect on my walks.
    Need to start looking for those little black stones again :)
    Kerin..aka. your partner in crime :)


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