Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Konmari, garbage day and so much more!

 No, this isn't my weather but I sure wish it was my view out my window.....how beautiful!  It's in the 30's here but gray skies and no snow to cover the brown dormant lawns.....oh but never fear.....the weeds are all green.....I kid you not! 
Today was garbage day so there was emptying all the containers, relining them and getting the BIG can out to the street and then bringing it back in later.  I cleaned up the house, did a load of laundry and then got to work on my drawers for Konmari Step #1 - Clothes.  I only got one dresser finished but it is where the majority of my clothes are.  I forgot to take a before picture except at the last minute...........
 I was able to fit all my underwear and tops in one drawer instead of 2 so I now have an empty drawer using her folding method......nothing gets buried because it is all sitting up tall...........LOVE!   I got rid of 2 shirts that were frayed but I don't have too many clothes....I'm afraid if I get rid of "clothing that does not bring me joy"......I would end  up with nothing to wear! LOL!
 These are the 2 new books I started last night...........I love Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter....good, good, people.....I think God has gifted us with those 2!  I want to read all of Sandra Dallas's books...love her!
 I listened briefly to the Senate Confirmation Hearings on Mr. Barr for Attorney General while I was cleaning out my drawers.  I worked on Ben's hat on breaks..........
I did start a granny triangle scarf for Our Happy CAL Place monthly CAL.............I'm using Lion Brand Mandela but for some reason it is not even at the bottom......I have no idea why but I am not going back now! LOL!  I'm sure I did something wrong but it's been straight ever since....it was almost like that yarn was bigger but I'm sure that isn't so...........crazy huh?  This is great T.V. watching once you memorize the pattern which is easy......I loved the giant Granny Square and this one is just 1/2 of that square.......
I just roasted broccoli for this recipe one of my very favorites and healthy too!
I'm off to throw it all together now!
Happy Trails!!!


  1. Hi Sam wow you are doing so well with your organising ,reminds me I stil, have a couple of cupboards to clean out to. Love your crochet projects,beautiful work my friend keep warm and I hope you have a lovely day xx

  2. We are on pins and needles here in Northern Ohio. We are supposed to get a big storm this weekend. Either 6-12 inches if it hits us or maybe 2-3 if it goes south. Big Differnce! And out of nowhere, we just got an advisory at 5 pm today that we are having an ice storm with slippery roads until 4 a.m. It's days like this that I am very thankful to be retired!

  3. Your crochet projects are so pretty, I like the white one you are using as background in some of your photos today.

  4. You are doing so well with your organizing. I wish those were all the clothes I had. I have way too many, because I keep hoping I will eventually fit in the smaller sizes. I don’t have very many that I wear often now. Just lots of different sizes! Love your crocheting projects. The half triangle shawl is very pretty.
    Blessings, Betsy

  5. That looks like an interesting crochet project! Your drawers look good all organized! I am still in the relax mode between Dr appts. :(

  6. You are one busy, organized lady! You spur me on to be more like you when reading your posts. Appreciate all your photos, too. They add so much.

  7. Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmm ANYTHING with goat cheese I'll have some please! :) I followed your lead Sam...the other day Alex and I decluttered the basement. We were at it for nearly 6 hours but we got HALF of what was down there either into "toss", "giveaway" or "recycle" piles. The toss and recycle piles are now gone so next time we go to town, we have a car load of giveaways for Good Will. There was a huge pile of stuff we just couldn't let go of yet, so it's in the "will revisit in March" pile lol...FEELS GREAT.

  8. Oh and btw...that first photo is our weather right now! It's very pretty! :)

  9. Sam. I don't know if this will help you, but I wrote this in response to your comment on my blog about the unevenness of the granny shawl edge:

    "Now that I think about it, I didn't like how the edge looked when I ended a row making 1dc, ch-1, 1 dc in the last chain space. So I ended up making 1 dc in the last chain space, ch-1, then 1 dc in the top of the last stitch. For some reason, starting each row making the 2 dc's in the first chain space didn't make for a wonky edge, but ending a row with 2 dc's in the last chain space did. This little change I made did produce a smoother edge."

    I don't think my edge looked quite like yours above, but the edges were uneven when ending a row when I did it the way the pattern was written. My way above made for a nice straight edge. I hope this is of some help. Another thing... if you put a picot edging all around it, it will probably mask any jogs there may be on some rows.


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