Sunday, March 8, 2015

YOP Week #36

Same old..same old but progress is definitely being made!  I've been "clearing and cleaning" on the home front here but when I take a "break" from it all I sit and knit 2 rows. I am happy to report I am now on row 44 of 55 with only 11 more blocks to go!  I must admit this has been a thoroughly enjoyable knitting project too.
I saw one the other day that was done just using the larger squares in all different colors and it was very pretty!  Now that I know how to make these squares and rectangles there is no end to the projects you could make with them.  Another great way to use stash too.  I think this is a technique called "short rows" but not sure.  If it is I have mastered another knitting skill.  Yippee!  

I am still catching up with the preemie hats but December and January are done and I am working on the first hat for February.  Hopefully by next week I will be caught up. 
As I told you last week, I joined Cherry Heart's BAL (blanket along) and it is a group on Ravelry to work on blankets of any kind but she did feature a free pattern of her hexie blanket she is working on called "The Weekender".  I thought I would work on it on the weekends until I finish my WIP blanket.  It's a nice change of pace.
I printed off the pattern and also her JAYG (join as you go) instructions as I had done neither before.  I had no trouble with the hexies but I could not figure out the JAYG with the hexies.  The instructions were for squares.  
So, I then "back tracked" and did some granny squares and then followed the JAYG method and I think I have the gist of it now.  I will be applying it to the hexies and see if I can join them using the same method.  It's amazing how simple something is once you understand it. LOL!
 I'm still awaiting my yarn from Deramores!  Any day now!  They're also coming out with 3 new colors in April!  One is my egg blue which is not what they call it but it looks like the duck egg blue from Debbie Bliss which I love!
 Once the WIP blanket is done and I've caught up with my preemie hats there will be the hexies in the evenings as DWTS's new season is coming up on March 16th!  Mark your calendars!  I also have several WIP knitting projects to work on during the day and then on the weekends for a change of pace...........I'm looking to maybe get in a bit of cross stitch or embroidery.
 So many little time!
  And then there's sewing too but that has to be during the day as I have to be fresh and wide awake for using machinery! LOL!
I hope you're enjoying your weekend!  Happy Trails!
P.S. I need to check my YOP list and update it and stay on track with it!  It's so easy to get "lured" by new projects.  The "knitting sirens" are constantly calling!


  1. Wow, that's lots of progress on many fronts! I'm happy to see your squares blanket grow, it looks so warm and squishy. I must make one someday :)

    I'm also, kind of unofficially, joining the BAL with Cherry Heart. I haven't posted anywhere yet because I'm not sure I will be able to keep going, but I've picked up a baby ripple blanket out of Stylecraft and am enjoying it. The JAYG method is really nifty and saves time! But as you said before, you have to be quite sure of your color placement.

    1. Just enjoy yourself and you can hop in whenever you feel like it. it's pretty informal, I think. Good for you with a baby ripple! Sandra(Cherry Heart) had a great post the other day regarding how she choses which colors go where in her blankets. She actually has a little system which is great because I wondered if there was a method.

  2. Great progess! And yes, I have my calendar marked for DWTS as that is also my knitting time too. You are right, there never seems to be enough time to do all the projects we would like. Someday................Maybe we should just turn off the phone, close the blinds and don't let anyone know we are home doing something we love.

    1. Actually that's how I live every day! LOL! I'm retired but with retirement comes the "slowing down" and lack of energy and so I have to be very self-disciplined and ensure I get things done around here before I run out of steam.

  3. Great progess! And yes, I have my calendar marked for DWTS as that is also my knitting time too. You are right, there never seems to be enough time to do all the projects we would like. Someday................Maybe we should just turn off the phone, close the blinds and don't let anyone know we are home doing something we love.

  4. I use the JAYG method for my granny winter scarves. Also for the bookmarks. The knitting project is looking pretty good too.

    1. It is nice and sure saves weaving in all those ends which I despise.

  5. You are always creating up quite a storm over there. I tried the join as you go once but didn't quite get it so I just stick with whipstitch or ss or sc. Whatever works for whatever I'm working on. Have a good day. Tammy

    1. Me? Look at all you've been doing! I loved your little hearts and your cowls. I downloaded that pattern for the cowl...very pretty!

  6. I should update my list too - you're right about the lure of new projects - there's always one!! Well done for mastering the join even if it is with squares at the moment. Both blankets are looking great.

    1. I need to review mine weekly as I get "carried away" and need to focus on my present YOP list.

  7. Such pretty colours for your weekender blanket! You're just sailing through these blankets! And speaking of clearing and cleaning, I should really do some of that around here!

    1. I'll have more colors once my yarn arrives and speaking of Purl Soho, did you see where if you sign up for their email newsletter you get a free pattern of theirs to download? Even if you singed up awhile ago. I got the sweater pattern....all sizes included too!

  8. I smile at all the wonderful knitting and hooking that's been occupying your time. Your preemie hats always warm my heart.

    1. Thank you so much. There are so many people that do so much more than I though. I thought once my kids were grown I would give back but illness and fatigue has put a crimp in my style! I try but my energy is so much less than it used to be.

  9. That blanket is looking really beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished object. The hexie colors are beautiful. My favorite color palette. I love the JAYG method and now that I have done that I detest whip stitching anything. It's spoiled me. But then, I've never trie it with hexie a. It could be quite the puzzler. :-).

    1. I hate to tell you but that blanket was for my last grandson, Grayson who is 3 1/2 now....I am so slow! But he still likes "blankies" so I want to get it to him soon! There's so much I want to do for my family but I'm not very quick about it....always behind the 8 ball!

  10. You've been busy! Love the colours of your hexies and grannies btw!

    1. Thank you so much! I haven't gotten much more done but 1/2 my yarn order came in so hopefully that will get me motivated! All those colors! TTYL!

  11. Once again, I am so impressed with how many beautiful projects you have going!!
    Wish you lived closer.. I'd have you help me get started on granny squares :)

    I worked on our youngest son's yard all day yesterday.. hauling off an old shed.
    There are a few dishtowels that I'm embroidering, but that's about it for the creative side of me right now.

    Have a happy, and productive day!


    1. You must be having nicer weather than we are if you're working outside. It is rainy cold and damp here with no sign of any sunshine....very unusual for this area. We're usually in the 60's by now. I have yard work to do too. With the snow gone it just stares at me every time I look outside! LOL!
      I would teach you although I am not a good teacher at all. I hope you have a great time at St. George's and I hope those cactus are blooming when you get there!

  12. I've joined the Cherrry Heart CAL too, although I haven't posted about it yet. Looking forward to seeing your progress - I've really enjoyed learning the hexies pattern, and as I'm using left-over yarn it will be a great stash-buster project for me!


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