Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nothing's shut down here!

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the government shut down.  Here...the beat goes on......I haven't blogged as the work I've been doing isn't really "blog worthy"....I showed  you my power washing of the sidewalk and it is a slow job.  I've finished the sidewalk and am now moving on down the driveway.  I didn't really think you wanted to see more pictures of that! LOL!
But Fall is here and there are a few other things I've been up to such as my mirror which was gold and I refinished........
I'm determined to "use it up, make it do, throw it out or buy it new" so I made my own chalk paint, sanded it after it was dry and then used old English scratch polish to "antique" it.  I sealed it with Johnson's Paste Wax which my parents had a big container of and I wondered what I would ever use it for.  Now I know!
I'm pleased with how it turned out as it's not really "my style" in the first place but it will look nice in the bathroom I think.  I'll show you again when I have it hung up.
I went to the Farmer's Market for the last time.  I
love my gourds each year....I used to grow them..........
 The eggplant will be for eggplant parmesan for sure..........
 banana peppers cooked in olive oil and garlic and made into a sandwich on my homemade bread....
 And this is a banana squash......HUGE!  I will cook it up and have enought pureed squash for the whole Winter! LOL!
 Of course I had to get a pumpkin......probably be for pie at Thanksgiving.
These were marked down to $3.00 at the store and I couldn't resist..........
the colors are starting to change just a bit............
I hung some candy corn lights outside...........
The girls love them too....they didn't want to come in after I strung them....
I've been crocheting more pumpkins and now squash too! LOL!
I'll be around to visit soon I hope but I have to take advantage of the nice weather to get my outside work done so please excuse me if I haven't been by.....I will be! 



  1. Love your little crocheted pumpkins and squash. Can't wait to see the mirror hung. You have been a busy lady :)

  2. My goodness... you have been so busy!!
    I adore the mirror! I love how you rejuvenated it. We always had a can of Johnsons paste wax too.... wood floors needed polishing :)

    I am so impressed with your crocheted pumpkins and squash. Makes me want to take the time and learn how to make some!

    Glorious garden goodness you've got there, and I've not seen the candy corn lights. I'll have to look for some.

    Happy day...

  3. Wow you've been busy! I'm always telling myself I'm going to revamp a piece of furniture or mirror. Your mirror looks so pretty now you've painted and antiqued it. And all those beautiful squashes! Especially the crocheted ones - they're adorable! Xx

  4. You have been busy! Looks like fall at your place! :)


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