Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Terrific Tuesday & book reviews!

This book is AWESOME!   It is non-fiction and was written in 2008.  I got it used and it is a signed copy by the authors...who knew?  If you are in any way interested in being more self-sufficient without "buying the farm" literally.....this is the book for you!  It is a reference and will never leave my greedy little book hands...ever!  That's how much I love it!
This book covers what you would probably have to find in about 20 present day books on the market.  It has it all....from raising chickens to using grey water and all the information on how to do it but inexpensively and easily even if you live in the city.  These 2 are just normal, every day people trying to do their part to save the planet and their money at the same time.   I hope they got an award for this book because they deserve it!  Well done Kelly and Erik!!!!!  Thank you!!!!

This is the 2nd book in the series of the 3 I have read.  It is a good series but I'm not that into magic and sorcery or young romance but if you are this is the series for you!  The three books in the series I've read are very well written and have good plot development.  Why did I read 3 of them if I don't care for it you might ask?  Well, I bought the first book and it was the 3rd in the series then a friend of mine bought the first 2 and we swapped.  So, that's how I came to read 3 and they were about a yarn shop owner and knitter/spinner which is right up my alley.  I just won't buy anymore as my focus is on going through my books and reading what I have right now.  You've heard of EXTREME sports.....I'm on an EXTREME budget and one part of that budget is not to buy any books I don't absolutely have to have in my possession......that alone will be hard enough.  

 I hope you had a great Tuesday....I'm getting lots done and feeling really good about it and my reward is..... a new season of my favorite shows....Dancing With the Stars, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Castle, The Middle, Modern Family.....I don't have cable and now I don't care!  Go budget!


  1. A very interesting post. I must try to track down the first book.

  2. Glad you are getting things done and you are minding your budget. I'm not as good at that as I should be.


  3. That first one looks interesting. Although I live in the country, I may read it yet.

  4. That first book sounds very interesting. Kudos to Kelly and Erik. Best wishes, Tammy

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