Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Planning and Planners...oh yes!

I have been spending some time dusting off my old planner (Franklin Covey Day One planner).  I haven't used it since I left work.  I write my list on a piece of notebook paper.  But I noticed things were slipping between the cracks so I checked out the refills for 2016 and it's like $40.00!  No way!
I found so many other lovely planners....really pretty.  Like this one from Erin Condren.........

 These are so pretty and colorful compared to mine.  And then there's this one which is really my favorite............
But these are all $50.00 and up!  No way!  I was on Pinterest and found there are whole communities of people who love planners as much as I do (formerly known as list makers) and they have taken all kinds of materials, stickers and various add-ons to "dress up" up and customize their planners regardless of what kind it is.  There are even stores on Etsy for refills that you can print yourself for much less money.  (Unfortunately, I am out of printer ink right now).  They are SO cute and I am just starting to "customize" mine with some materials I already have on hand.
Here's some that I pinned on my Planners board.

 You can see how they are so unique and customized by the owner to reflect their personality while at the same time keeping them on task and all in one place.
 The accessories are all over the place and I am just showing you a few!  These are page turners/markers
 Some planner pages on Etsy..........
I love this vintage look
 Here's some weather stickers........
 I love these cute menu pages......

 How about some inspirational quotes stickers?
 There are charms too; to hang off of your planner......oh!  Somebody stop me!  I never got into scrap booking but I can definitely see an addiction coming on!
 Are you into "planners"?  If you are a list maker watch out!  There is so much of this on Pinterest I have an entire board devoted to it now.  Plus, on You Tube there are videos on how to customize, utilize and guide you through the use of one if you have never owned a planner before. 
I haven't done much at all to mine...yet..........so here's a "before" picture.  I will update it and you as I add things.

There's a bookmark or 2 here and a business card and a few stickers I had but tomorrow I'll be dragging out the washi tape, assorted trims and stamps and stickers...what fun!  I just have to remind myself that a planner is for getting your "big rocks" done (priorities) and right now, customizing my planner is definitely not one of them! LOL!
Happy Trails!



  1. I bought a planner this year for the first time in my life. I need a calendar that I can carry everywhere with me. Also doctors numbers, my pacemaker info in case of an emergency, prescriptions, etc. I find I'm really enjoying it but it is just the plain Jane organizer from Staples. I never thought of all of the doo-dads! What fun!

    1. Me either! I carried one for years and never thought to dress it up like these gals have...I was really missing out because I love color and the FC refills are boring! LOL!

  2. Wow your planner is so beautiful and its a great idea to keep a planner ..I am going to keep a planner this year too :)
    Aww such fun

    1. I can't wait to get some "accessories" and start dressing mine up. Another fun project for us, Cucki!

  3. I have one like the bottom red one, but I now use a simple flat/large one at my desk. In place of stickers I use different colored sharpies for bills, events, and appts.

    1. Oh, did I forget to mention the colored markers? Now you should get some stickers too and away we go! LOL!

  4. Oh my! How I LOVE journals! I would collect them if I had enough money. haha! I use a Day Planner that is spiral bound so that I can take my pages out and put them in folders to archive. I write in my journal every day and love all kinds. I want to work on my Art Journal more this year. I've found some of the BEST pens that are CHEAP and great! You can get them at Walm. or order them from Amazon. They are papermate, InkJoy pens...an assortment of colors comes in a pack of 8. The ink flows well and you've love them! lol Hugs!

  5. Thanks for the tip! I've used Inkjoy in the black for writing and didn't like it...they go too fast for me...made my handwriting look like I had the shakes. Same with those gel pens. It could be because of my RA but it seems I like the old ballpoints that have some "drag" to them plus I am a medium point person. I do like sharpies though for color. But thank you for passing it on. Someone here may be looking for just that type of pen. Hugs!

  6. I like this snappy red. I haven't used a planner for 2 decades. I had a Filofax one and a Coach one. I'm planning to make some notebooks though and try journaling which should keep me on track more.

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